Sunday, February 10, 2008

Did I say brilliant blunders?

I guess I did. Well..Onto the next game. This is a game between me and my computer, from right in the end of last millennium. Dooming times, as one might say.

Chess 2001 (Level 11, 7 min./move) - ChessWanderer

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Nxd4 5. Qxd4 c5?

Scotch opening. My latest move tends to take advantage of white queen´s early active positioning, but no good. Developing c-pawn this early is not best idea here, leaving important d5-square vulnerable. 6. Qd3 Qc7 7. Nc3 Nf6 8. Bg5!

Already aiming to take advantage of that d5-square. 8.-Ng4? For what exact reason? Trying to be active, but this is over the top...Wasting time, Be7 would be better try. 9. Nd5! Qa5+ Now, I guess I thought this check would give me some time, but...
10. b4! Bang! Nice little move. At the moment, I didn´t realize it true power though, thought white was just sacrificing stuff for some reason...should know computers better, huh :) Well, let´s just take the pawn as it seems we can do it... 10.-cxb4
Situation is now set up for game´s dramatic turn. Can you spot what my computerfriend had on it´s mind?

11. Qb5!! Uhm, well this is easy I thought, gotta exchange to queens now, and after make a move like Bd6 and fight...Well..11.-Qxb5 12. Nc7 Mate.

Yea, not so nice miniatyre this one. At least to me then. You can guess I was astonished, really did not see that coming at all...Well, one of my worst games, ones that make you learn :)

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